Pinterest is a social network with tremendous marketing potential. With your free account you will have access to the Heaven’s Best Pinterest library which include pins, boards, descriptions, and more to drive traffic to your website and improve your SEO. Why Pinterest?
- 48 million registered users
- Growing network, especially among women
- 80% of content gets passed to additional consumers
How does this help my business?
- Generate traffic from Pinterest to your website
- Generate backlinks, which will improve your search engine ranking
- Open your business to new audiences
Resources EZ-NetTools offers numerous resources. To access these exclusive resources for your Pinterest account please log in or register with us. Training EZ-NetTools offers exclusive training on Pinterest. To access the training section, please log in or register with us. Tech Support EZ-NetTools offers invaluable tech support for all of your questions and needs. To access tech support for Pinterest, please log in or register with us.